Well I have a new computer, the laptop shit itself a while ago. We bought a new computer from Dell over the internet so I hope its a good one.
Well its been a while since I have written. I really wish i could get on top of this a write often so we have a good log of Henry's life. Anyways!!!!!!!
A couple weeks ago we went to Perth for a suprise party for Tracey's 30th. She was surprised so that was great. Cristen and I stayed out after dinner with Shane and Tracey to celebrate. The kids went home with their fathers and Carol and Trevor took Tracey's home. I got back to the hotel about 12.30am and Henry was awake but Damon was fast asleep as he wasn't feeling well, the heater was flat out and the tv on. Henry was hypo, i'm guessing from all the cake and ice cream at the restaurant, he wouldn't go back to sleep for what felt like hours. In the morning when Damon had a shower Henry joined him and slipped over banging his head. Damon then told me he had fallen off the bed the night before. What a weekend I bet Henry was glad to get home.
A few days later we headed off to Kalgoorlie for a week to catch up with family and show Steve around before he left. Henry had all his hair cut off to a number three, I love it and its much easier to manage short. We had a nice time in Kal although as usuall the time went to fast and it was time to come home again.
A week later we were heading to Perth for two nights to catch up with Crystal and Simon while they were over.
Well its been a busy few weeks so Im glad if nothing much happens for the next few months.