Charlie is finally sitting up all on his own, just shy of nine months. He is still commando crawling all over the place and pulls himself into a standing position at the furniture. This morning he was playing with something and kept saying dada dada dada, he is so cute. I am trying to teach him to clap but he is not all that interested. Henry did everything earlier that Chartlie but I did have more time to spend with him, so that must make a little bit of difference.
Henry is pretty toilet trained. He has not had an accident for days and even when we went to town and to Jo's 30th lunch on the weekend, he had a dry pull up. At Jo's lunch I went over to the slide because I could not see Henry and I found him behind a tree with his pants and pull up around his ankles. He had done a wee on the lawn but Lochie said he was trying to do a poo so I rushed him over to the toilet.
Today Henry and I have spent most of the morning baking for Christmas. First we made christmas tree none bake bickies, which we will take to playgroup tomorrow morning for the kids. Then we made Damon's favourite Nuts and Bolts. We then made french toaste and bacon for lunch which was very yummie.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Thursday, December 4, 2008
I missed you mummy
Yesterday I went to town by myself because the kids had a flu and mother inlaw offered to have them. I got a heap of xmas shopping done and of course the groceries. I also managed to get my eye lashes and brow dyed and plucked, they were desperate for it, you couldn't even tell I had eyebrows. When I got home, I was standing in the kitchen when Henry noticed I had arrived and he came running up to me and stood just infront of me as I kneeled down he said "I missed you today mummy". It was so cute I could have cried.
My sister rang me and said she had accepted a job offer in Queensland so she is moving to the other side of the country in mid January. Woo hoo for her, :( for us.
My sister rang me and said she had accepted a job offer in Queensland so she is moving to the other side of the country in mid January. Woo hoo for her, :( for us.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
The season is almost upon us...
Henry is the ruler of the house and I have come to realise that what Henry wants, Henry gets. He is a very determined little boy, I am always finding a sept at the fridge or pantry. He has worked out that if he unlatches the latch at the pantry and then moves the step away the door will open. He doesnt bother to ask for anything, he is independant. He is getting pretty good using the potty, he takes himself off to the potty most of the time and half the time I don't even know he has gone. Although we are still having an accident or two everyday, but Im sure he will have it down pat by christmas (well I'm hoping).
Well christmas is just around the corner and I'm not all that organised just yet, it's more to do with who are and are not buying present for. Henry is getting a bike so that will be exciting, Damon and I both have bikes that have practicely never been used and I would like to get a seat for Charlie to go on one of our bikes. It will be nice to take them all up to Kalbarri next year. For our christmas cards this year I tried to take some xmas photos of the kids but they really were not very interested. So I ended up using one from the family photo shoot earlier in the year so everyone will be getting a family photo rather than one of the boys and I got photo cards made from Snapfish.
Monday, November 10, 2008
There he was standing in a puddle
Charlie is commando crawling flat out all over the place. If he is put down in one spot and you look back a minute later he is on the other side of the room. He still refuses to sit up, I sat him up in the bath the other day and he sat nice and straight for about 30 seconds then he lay back. I try to sit him down but he just falls back onto his back and thinks its a great game.
Last Thursday I bought S26 Formula AR for babies with reflux and Charlie slep all through the night until 4am when I gave him another bottle and he then slept till 7. Then Friday night the same and Saturday night he had his first sleep over at Grandma and Grandpa'a where he woke briefly a couple of times. Sunday night we didn't hear a peep out of him until 5am when he had a bottle and went back to sleep until around 6.30am. Before Thursday we have had a lot of trouble with Charlie waking all through the night with reflux so the formula must work.
We have decided that Henry at 2yrs and 8mths should be using the potty instead of nappies. The other day I walked past the lounge room to see a bare dumb so I asked Henry what he was doing and he said "I've done poos so I'm taking my nappy off". That day he did two wees in the potty. Today I took his nappy off and sat him on the potty and gave him a drink and ran the tap but nothing happened. Later I remembered he had not peed yet so I asked him if he needed a wee and he said he had done one and he led me to the potty and there was a bit wee in the potty, I was very impressed. Later I asked him again if he needed to wee and there he was standing in a little puddle and wet tracky pants.
Last Thursday I bought S26 Formula AR for babies with reflux and Charlie slep all through the night until 4am when I gave him another bottle and he then slept till 7. Then Friday night the same and Saturday night he had his first sleep over at Grandma and Grandpa'a where he woke briefly a couple of times. Sunday night we didn't hear a peep out of him until 5am when he had a bottle and went back to sleep until around 6.30am. Before Thursday we have had a lot of trouble with Charlie waking all through the night with reflux so the formula must work.
We have decided that Henry at 2yrs and 8mths should be using the potty instead of nappies. The other day I walked past the lounge room to see a bare dumb so I asked Henry what he was doing and he said "I've done poos so I'm taking my nappy off". That day he did two wees in the potty. Today I took his nappy off and sat him on the potty and gave him a drink and ran the tap but nothing happened. Later I remembered he had not peed yet so I asked him if he needed a wee and he said he had done one and he led me to the potty and there was a bit wee in the potty, I was very impressed. Later I asked him again if he needed to wee and there he was standing in a little puddle and wet tracky pants.
Friday, October 31, 2008
I'm Back Hopefully
It was October one year that I last wrote here. I plan to keep writing as I would like to keep a record of the kids for later.
I gave birth by emergency caeserian again (I tried to go natural). After seven hours of labour my OB decided I wasn't actually in labour there for I would need a caeser. Although I had been awake all night with strong contractions, I did not feel exhausted as I had with Henry. Charlie Robert was born on the 25th March 2008, at 8.20am weighing 8p 9oz and was 53cm long and he looked just like his brother. An hour later I breast fed him which I was unable to do with Henry due to the drugs causing me to slip in and out of sleep.
I have been so busy lately with a new business my friend Cristen and I started. Its a online childrens clothing and accessories business. We have the website ready for stock to be uploaded and we have done two launches, one out here and one in Albany. On top of this I started doing a Doula course online but have found practically no time for reading. My horse Sav came back to live and I have no time for him let alone for Jip. I should also be doing book work for the farm so I can get a good grasp on how it all works. Hopefully things settle down soon and I will get more time to play with the boys.
Charlie is seven months old and he is comando crawling all over the place although he will not sit up. His reflux seems to be settling down and he is starting to sleep for longer periods. He never use to sleep for longer than 20min at a time during the day and now he sleeps for 2-3 hours in the morn and 1-2 in the arvo. The last few nights he had been only waking once. For the last two weekends I have completed and past my Advanced Ambulance Care Course and Grandma had the boys for all four days. So Charlie had to use a bottle for his feeds, I almost didn't do the course because I didn't really want him using a bottle. I was right to be concerened about the bottle and he has now completely weaned himself off the breat. I chose to give up breat feeding Henry when he was seven months but I wanted to feed charlie until he was one so I was a bit upset that he didn't want to breast feed any longer.
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