It was October one year that I last wrote here. I plan to keep writing as I would like to keep a record of the kids for later.
I gave birth by emergency caeserian again (I tried to go natural). After seven hours of labour my OB decided I wasn't actually in labour there for I would need a caeser. Although I had been awake all night with strong contractions, I did not feel exhausted as I had with Henry. Charlie Robert was born on the 25th March 2008, at 8.20am weighing 8p 9oz and was 53cm long and he looked just like his brother. An hour later I breast fed him which I was unable to do with Henry due to the drugs causing me to slip in and out of sleep.
I have been so busy lately with a new business my friend Cristen and I started. Its a online childrens clothing and accessories business. We have the website ready for stock to be uploaded and we have done two launches, one out here and one in Albany. On top of this I started doing a Doula course online but have found practically no time for reading. My horse Sav came back to live and I have no time for him let alone for Jip. I should also be doing book work for the farm so I can get a good grasp on how it all works. Hopefully things settle down soon and I will get more time to play with the boys.
Charlie is seven months old and he is comando crawling all over the place although he will not sit up. His reflux seems to be settling down and he is starting to sleep for longer periods. He never use to sleep for longer than 20min at a time during the day and now he sleeps for 2-3 hours in the morn and 1-2 in the arvo. The last few nights he had been only waking once. For the last two weekends I have completed and past my Advanced Ambulance Care Course and Grandma had the boys for all four days. So Charlie had to use a bottle for his feeds, I almost didn't do the course because I didn't really want him using a bottle. I was right to be concerened about the bottle and he has now completely weaned himself off the breat. I chose to give up breat feeding Henry when he was seven months but I wanted to feed charlie until he was one so I was a bit upset that he didn't want to breast feed any longer.