I can't believe how long it has been since I wrote here and I hate that because I can't remember what has been happening.
I am getting slower and slower and my belly of course is getting bigger and bigger. On a warm day I am not good for much, I need to just lay around, my ancles swell up alot also. I have had my 28 week scan and all is going well in there, they are growing and are around the same size, just smaller than a singleton at the same stage. I had one appointment in Albany and that was non eventfull, my BP was 130/60 which is fine he said. Next week we head to Perth and we have a growth scan (doc said this will be our last scan) then a doc appo and then an appo with the surgen who will fix my hernia at the sametime as the twins come out. Other than feeling very tired I find it so difficult to roll over in bed at night so Im guessing my tummy is very heavy.
Charlie had a big fall out of his bed and he couldnt walk on one of his legs so we took him to Albany to have is checked out. They said it wouldnt be broken and that he would eventually walk on it. That was a Saturday so by Monday when he still wasnt walking on it we took him to Jerry and they did an x-ray but that showed no brake. Dr Nick said he would soon forget about it and start walking on. He did walk on it but then he would twist it wrong and he would limp some more. Although we decided that it was getting better. The following week Damon and I went to Perth and MIL had the kids and she decided that is was still broken and took him back to Nick who gave a referel to have it x-rayed in Albany. I thought MIL should have told us she was taking him back to the doc but she didnt until that night. The original doc who looked at him said exposing his body to the x-ray machine was worse when he knew it wasn't broken. Anyway I did as MIL wanted and took him to Albany to have the x-ray and still nothing so a good few weeks later, now,and he is absolutly fine. Alas he has been sleeping in his cot and he is only starting to show interest in his bed recentley.
Aaron has been here a good few weeks know and he is pretty good to have around, he likes to cook so about once a week he cooks us a meal and sometimes he even does the dishes. I had to force him to let me do his laundry.
We went to Bremer Bay yesterday afternoon and a quick play on the sand and then we headed to the pub for a meal. I didn't cope well yeasterday as I'm sure it was something like 35-40'c way way to hot and I couldn't find a way to keep cool. It was also very windy.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Friday, September 11, 2009
Week 26
MIL has been down most days this week painting the lounge room for us and today she put the blinds back up and it look great. I'm not sure if the blinds match but they will do until we decide what we are going to do.
Today I asked Henry if he wanted to feel the twins move in my tummy and he came running and said "I'd love too". He has decided he is getting two sisters and their names are Moggie and Twin.
Tonight at dinner Henry passed Charlie a yoghurt and Charlie said "Ta". I know its not much but I think he can talk he just chooses to be a big noise around the place instead of talking.
The workman arrives tomorrow so it will be interesting to see how I go with the extra chores I'll have, I'm having a hard times keeping up with what I already have.
I spoke to Prema and she has gotten a job so she won't be comming to help out before the twins arrive. MIL has said she will help out around the home with floors and washing and stuff. The biggest problem will be when we go to Perth and it will be just me and the kids, I'm not sure how I will manage that. Damon needs to stay at the farm and mum will be here for six weeks after I get home and she will be bringing her horses so she doesn't want to come to Perth. I would get a live in Mother Help although the until is not big enouogh to give them a room. This also leaves us with no one to have the boys when the twins are born but we could probably organise this although if the twins come early then back to square one. I am a bit lost about this and not sure what to do???????
Today I asked Henry if he wanted to feel the twins move in my tummy and he came running and said "I'd love too". He has decided he is getting two sisters and their names are Moggie and Twin.
Tonight at dinner Henry passed Charlie a yoghurt and Charlie said "Ta". I know its not much but I think he can talk he just chooses to be a big noise around the place instead of talking.
The workman arrives tomorrow so it will be interesting to see how I go with the extra chores I'll have, I'm having a hard times keeping up with what I already have.
I spoke to Prema and she has gotten a job so she won't be comming to help out before the twins arrive. MIL has said she will help out around the home with floors and washing and stuff. The biggest problem will be when we go to Perth and it will be just me and the kids, I'm not sure how I will manage that. Damon needs to stay at the farm and mum will be here for six weeks after I get home and she will be bringing her horses so she doesn't want to come to Perth. I would get a live in Mother Help although the until is not big enouogh to give them a room. This also leaves us with no one to have the boys when the twins are born but we could probably organise this although if the twins come early then back to square one. I am a bit lost about this and not sure what to do???????
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Charlie sleeps in a bed
Well I am finally over this terrible cold that has been lingering for so long. I still have to cough a bit in the morning to clear my lungs but thats not so bad, at least I can breath again, all the green snot has gone.
Charlie has spent 4 of the past 5 nights in his big bed, and 3 day time naps in there also. The second night he came out 6 times so I put him in his cot and that day I put him in the cot for his day sleep, one day he was at grandmas so she put him in the cot. Everyother night he has not come out at all but Henry has gone to bed at the same time as him. Day time naps, I wait until about 12 when he is well tired and put him down then and he has not come out at all. I can't really remember what age Henry was but Charlie is 17 months.
At my doc appointment last week my BP was 110/60. The last few days my feet have been swelling up a bit. Im finding it more difficult to get comfortable at night so I toss and turn alot and therefor am not getting enough sleep and are more tired during the day. I really notice that if I have a big day then Im not much good the next day.
Charlie has spent 4 of the past 5 nights in his big bed, and 3 day time naps in there also. The second night he came out 6 times so I put him in his cot and that day I put him in the cot for his day sleep, one day he was at grandmas so she put him in the cot. Everyother night he has not come out at all but Henry has gone to bed at the same time as him. Day time naps, I wait until about 12 when he is well tired and put him down then and he has not come out at all. I can't really remember what age Henry was but Charlie is 17 months.
At my doc appointment last week my BP was 110/60. The last few days my feet have been swelling up a bit. Im finding it more difficult to get comfortable at night so I toss and turn alot and therefor am not getting enough sleep and are more tired during the day. I really notice that if I have a big day then Im not much good the next day.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
24 Weeks
24 Weeks already, so only 8 weeks till we go to Perth to wait and then another 3.5 after that until delivery unless they decide to come sometime before that. It is going so quickly and sometimes I think not quick enough cos I just want to meet them and find out what they are and name them, but I know they will be here all too soon.
My sister who was going to stay with me in Perth has decded that maybe she had better look for another job and stay where she is. This leaves me in a real pickle, Damon has to stay here because its harvest and he will come to Perth for the birth and following days. The unit is very small only two bedrooms so I was counting on my sister sleeping on the sofa bed in the lounge room and taking the kids out alot while I rested. I'm not sure who else we can get to do this. Its a big ask.
Henry has discovered facial expressions over the past month or two and he shows us his happy, angry, sad, shocked, surprised face. Charlie likes to get into Henrys bed so I guess he is ready to move out if the cot, he is seventeen months old and I can't really remember but I think Henry was in a bed at this stage. We have everything ready to go, Damon just needs to put the bed together.
My sister who was going to stay with me in Perth has decded that maybe she had better look for another job and stay where she is. This leaves me in a real pickle, Damon has to stay here because its harvest and he will come to Perth for the birth and following days. The unit is very small only two bedrooms so I was counting on my sister sleeping on the sofa bed in the lounge room and taking the kids out alot while I rested. I'm not sure who else we can get to do this. Its a big ask.
Henry has discovered facial expressions over the past month or two and he shows us his happy, angry, sad, shocked, surprised face. Charlie likes to get into Henrys bed so I guess he is ready to move out if the cot, he is seventeen months old and I can't really remember but I think Henry was in a bed at this stage. We have everything ready to go, Damon just needs to put the bed together.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Time Fly's
So much has been happening and I wish I could remember everything. Firstly, about a month ago we swapped houses with the inlaws. What a relief, this house is so much better and its going to make life so much easier when the twins arrive. I do feel for the inlaws as they are now in a really shitty house. I don't think they realised quite how bad it was until now. I am still trying to get all the boxes organised and today mil has the kids so should go get on with it.
We have been up to Perth twice. Firstly for our 20 week scan, both babies are the size of a 20 week baby so the lady said it would be good if they slowed down with there growing other wise they are going to be pretty big. The next week we headed to Perth again this time with the kids and stayed a week. Damon had a farm workshop for two days and I had the Pink concert on the friday night. Prema came and stayed at the farm in our week between being in Perth so that was nice.
22 Weeks and 6 Days Pregnant with fraternal twins, sex unknown, we like surprises. I have been feeling exhausted most of the time, I feel like I can't cope with the two little ones that I already have and it scares me to think how will I manage when the other two arrive. I have a cold at the moment as do the boys and I can't breather at all due to a blocked nose and my head feels like its going to explode.
Sunday, July 12, 2009
And so they do grow
I thought I should be keeping a record, for which I am pretty hopeless, about what the kids are up to.
Henry is gowing up and this is exciting but I feeling life is so busy that I don't get a chance to enjoy him. We were at a friends place the other day and Henry walked in and asked straight away "where are the toys" (he had never been to their place before). Suzie led him to the toys and he grabed a game off the shelf and Suzie said "oh I think you may be a bit young for that game".. He opens the box and says "its ok, its got instructions" Suzie was so blowen away she asked him how old he was and he said three and said "are you sure your not a short 5 or 6 year old". She then come and asked me how old he was because she was not convinced he was olny 3.
Little Charlie is understanding more and more each day. He can close the door when asked. He insists on feeding himself with a spoon and fork and grabs it off you if you try, and he is doing a great job at it. If you say dance, he does a little jig. I can't think of anything else so I will update as think of things.
We are moving house next weekend so I hope that goes smoothly.
I still feel pretty good although I think I may have sinisitus and I will visit the Doc tomorrow.
Henry is gowing up and this is exciting but I feeling life is so busy that I don't get a chance to enjoy him. We were at a friends place the other day and Henry walked in and asked straight away "where are the toys" (he had never been to their place before). Suzie led him to the toys and he grabed a game off the shelf and Suzie said "oh I think you may be a bit young for that game".. He opens the box and says "its ok, its got instructions" Suzie was so blowen away she asked him how old he was and he said three and said "are you sure your not a short 5 or 6 year old". She then come and asked me how old he was because she was not convinced he was olny 3.
Little Charlie is understanding more and more each day. He can close the door when asked. He insists on feeding himself with a spoon and fork and grabs it off you if you try, and he is doing a great job at it. If you say dance, he does a little jig. I can't think of anything else so I will update as think of things.
We are moving house next weekend so I hope that goes smoothly.
I still feel pretty good although I think I may have sinisitus and I will visit the Doc tomorrow.
Friday, July 3, 2009
Feeling Better!! 16 weeks 4 days
Well I have been so sick, I couldn't bear to get on the computer. I started vomiting at 8 weeks and was not able to keep anything down and felt like I had a massive hangover that wouldnt ease all day. I started taking Maxalon to stop the viomiting which it did thank god but it did nothing for the nausia. At about 15 weeks I started to feel better and have just stopped taking the maxalon. I feel I have more energy and am not so tired all the time. I have been for my twelve week scan and both babies are doing really well, I also went to the OB in Perth and he was really good. Her said we could deliver the babies at 37-37 half weeks so I am pretty happy about that, I thought he would say something like he wanted to deliver at 34 weeks. Blood pressure is all good at 108/78. The OB wants me in Perth from 33 weeks so that is the last week in October and if they stay in, then they should be delivered end of November. Not sure where we will stay because grandad is getting rid of the unit and its harvest time so Damon will need to be on the farm. Something to think about anyway.
I think I have come to grips with the fact I am having twins and am starting to get pretty excited although Im not sure how I will manage especially with having my hands full already with the boys.
We have started moving our stuff to Carols and she has pretty much packed up her house and is now painting for us so we should do the big more in the next few weeks. Im pretty excited about that.
I have been trying to remember all the funny things Henry says but because I have not been here in so long I forget. Henry doesn't much like mash potato so I said "how about you try it with tomato sauce on top". Before he tried it he said "its a bit fruity" then after he tried it he said "It tastes like dirt" but he ate it all.
I think I have come to grips with the fact I am having twins and am starting to get pretty excited although Im not sure how I will manage especially with having my hands full already with the boys.
We have started moving our stuff to Carols and she has pretty much packed up her house and is now painting for us so we should do the big more in the next few weeks. Im pretty excited about that.
I have been trying to remember all the funny things Henry says but because I have not been here in so long I forget. Henry doesn't much like mash potato so I said "how about you try it with tomato sauce on top". Before he tried it he said "its a bit fruity" then after he tried it he said "It tastes like dirt" but he ate it all.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
One, two, three, four??
So after an anxious week debating with myself, we finally found out what the future holds yesterday afternoon.
Damon and I went to town with Henry and we left Charlie at home with Grandma. I felt very anxious all day and couldn't eat. They day went on and on for ever and 3pm never seemed to come around. Anyway it finally did and I waited in the waiting room nearly ready to burst open with the litre of water I had to drink. A lady comes out and calls us in and gets started and she asks what we are there for and I say to see if I am carrying twins. So she spins the machine around to show me the two babies. So there is no mistaking it its definitely twins!!
All looks good and they cant see a reason as to why I have been spotting, although it seems to have stoped now anyway. They measured 7w6d and one was ever so slightly smaller than the other.
Damon and I went to town with Henry and we left Charlie at home with Grandma. I felt very anxious all day and couldn't eat. They day went on and on for ever and 3pm never seemed to come around. Anyway it finally did and I waited in the waiting room nearly ready to burst open with the litre of water I had to drink. A lady comes out and calls us in and gets started and she asks what we are there for and I say to see if I am carrying twins. So she spins the machine around to show me the two babies. So there is no mistaking it its definitely twins!!
All looks good and they cant see a reason as to why I have been spotting, although it seems to have stoped now anyway. They measured 7w6d and one was ever so slightly smaller than the other.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
What two!!
I went to town for Henry's swimming lesson yesterday and I had made an appointment at my doc's office but with a different doc as mine is leaving. I turned up and they said that doc was at the other office across town, so we get back in the car and drive over but its no biggie as we still waited 15mins before we go in. I asked if he has an ultrasound machine and he wheels it in so its not as good as at the other office. But anyway he has a look and oh my god there are two sacks, so does this mean twins????? At the other office the baby at 7 weeks looks the size of your hand but on this machine its only 2cm long so I couldn't see much detail. Anyway one sack was half behind the other so he couldn't see if there was a baby in it but there is a baby measuring 7 weeks and five days in the front sack. I got a referral for a date scan for next Wednesday and we will see then if there are two babies.
I told Damon and he was as freaked out as I was because I'm not sure how I will go with 4 kids under 4.... He said maybe we will have to get a house cleaner which would be fabulous but can I still have one if there is only one baby??
I have been feeling really tired and have no energy to do anything and I have been taking strong iron tablets which has been doing nothing. So maybe that would explain it if there where two babies sucking the life out of me..
So until next Wednesday I wont know......
I told Damon and he was as freaked out as I was because I'm not sure how I will go with 4 kids under 4.... He said maybe we will have to get a house cleaner which would be fabulous but can I still have one if there is only one baby??
I have been feeling really tired and have no energy to do anything and I have been taking strong iron tablets which has been doing nothing. So maybe that would explain it if there where two babies sucking the life out of me..
So until next Wednesday I wont know......
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Weddings and Babies
We went to Kalgoorlie for Easter weekend and for my brother Jesse's wedding. We went to Esperance on Wed and stayed there the night and then continued on to Kal the following day. Mum picked up the cake on Thurs and I decided to ice it on Friday but the cake was so much bigger then I hads expected, 14inches is huge. So I gave icing it a go but the cake was all uneven, almost two cms higher at one corner any way I didnt think is was a very good job but it didnt look to bad at the end if you didnt look to closely.
My period was due on the Tuesday but it still had not arrived on the Thursday so i went and got a p test and nearly fell over when the test was posative. So yes we have baby number three on the way. Although we were pretty surprised we are also excited, we were thinking about number three but not trying for another six months. Charlie will only be 20 months when this one is born. I have done some research and have decided to go with a VBA2C as I believe this is safer than an elective c-section. I had a failed atempt at a vbac with Charlie but I am confident I know what went wrong there and I will change all that this time round. My main problem this time is to try a vbac I need to be in Perth 5 hours away and this baby is due in the middle of harvest. Rest of the weekend next post.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Charlie turned one
Well how fast does a year go by, let me tell you it goes very, very fast when you have a new baby that suddenly turns ONE!! My golly, golly gosh, I really love the fact that Charlie is just about walking. As he stands unaided waiting for that little bit more confidence that will alow him to take that very step that will thrust him into a toddler.... With each day I see the confidence building and in a way I can't wait but at the same time I feel the pang of sandness wash over me as I no longer have a little baby anymore.
Untill next time........ I hope to ttc next month or so... It took one month to fall with Henry and six months to fall with Charlie, we or should I say I was hoping for an 18month age gap but got two years so this time I am aiming for two years so lets see what happens.... I feel for all the woman whose blogs I read who have so much trouble falling so I should and I do feel very blessed for the two precious boys we have..
We had a little party at playgroup for Charlie and it was very nice and fuss free. Henry is doing really well with going to the toilet, I may even venture to Albany pullup free tomorrow although I probably just jinxed it by writing this on here.
Thursday, March 12, 2009

I'm pretty excited, I upgraded from my Canon 400D to the 450D with the twin lense and I also got an external flash. Of course there is not a lot of difference between the two but I am excited non the less. Yesterday I registered to sell my photos on istockphoto, so I cant wait to see what they come back with for my three sample photos. In four weeks, easter weekend my brother gets married and I have offered to be the photographer, it was going to be a tiny wedding but suddenly it has blowen out and they are having groom and bridesmaids so I will have to learn a few tricks pretty quick smart so the photos are not just good but fantastic. I am also making well not making because we have ordered the actual cakes but I am doing the icing and the decorating of the wedding cake.
Molly and Me is not going so well at the moment, we have done a bit of advertising around the place and with the quokka. We have had an add in the quokka for two weeks so far and only got one order out of it. Tomorrow we will take some photos of the kids in winter stock and put on the website. We are also going to work out some other advertising ideas.
So Henry is three and he still is in a reggressing from toilet training. I can't stand it that he is still peeing in his pants.
Charlie is so sticky at the moment, if Damon or I leave the room then he starts screaming and doesnt stop till you come back for him. For quit a while now, when you are getting him undressed for the bath he lifts his legs one at a time to have his pants taken off. He chucks the shits by putting his head down between his legs and cries. He will be one in just over a week, I can't believe it.
Monday, March 9, 2009
Pirates, Pirates, Pirates
We just had a week in Perth and Mandurah visiting with friends and family. Crystal, Simon and Jake come over from QLD so we court up with them in Perth and then went to Mandurah for two nights to see them again. We had Shane and the girls come over with Linda and we all went to the park for a play and lunch and Tracey met us there and it was really nice. We then headed to the water park for a swim (pretty hot day) and then a lovely italian restaurant for dinner. While in Perth we headed to the Zoo, Henry and Charlie really loved that. We also court up with Aunty Hilary and Geoff and the girls. Of course we also made it to Ikea for a fun filled morning, I never bore of that place. Had also planned on catching up with Kristy and Sarah but there just was not time.
When we got home I had two very busy days getting ready for Henrys Pirate Party. All the kids had a lot of fun even though I didnt play any games. They all played and ate. Cant believe Henry is 3 already and Charlie will be one in two weeks.
Charlie is a cheeky little so and so, he is so adorable. He really loves to make you laugh and spends a great deal of time pulling funny faces and as soon as you laugh he laughs along with you.
When in Perth we ran out of Zantac and for a few days he was fine and then he started waking in the night so we put him right back on it. While he has been standing at the furniture he has let go a few times and just stood all on his own.
Friday, February 20, 2009
All Done!!
So harvest has finally finished and all the grain is dried and cleaned, bar one long bag that is for feed grain. I guess seeding starts soon and we will barely get a brake. We head to Perth next week to see Crystal and Simon while they are on holiday from Queensland. When we get back I have a Pirate Party planned for Henrys 3rd birthday.
I got a little teary today when I realised my boys are growing up. Yesterday Charlie stood and let go for about 5 seconds and was standing all by himself looking at something in his little hands. He is such a cuddly little man, he comes to me when I am sitting on the couch and he just lays on me.
I got a little teary today when I realised my boys are growing up. Yesterday Charlie stood and let go for about 5 seconds and was standing all by himself looking at something in his little hands. He is such a cuddly little man, he comes to me when I am sitting on the couch and he just lays on me.
Friday, January 30, 2009
2000T of garin to dry!!
Well harvest finally finished although they are know madly cleaning and drying 2000T of grain. So Damon is working at the block and still not comming home till very late. I will be glad when its all over for the year, Im sure by the time they finally finish it will be time to get ready for seeding. I guess it never ends.
You can't keep Charlie still for a second he is just flat out all the time. He has four teeth up top now and three down bottom. He still spends most of his time standing at the furniture so I hope he doesnt start walking anytime soon, he just turned ten months. Charlie has been sleeping through most nights, 6.30pm - 7am.
I have come to my wits end with toilet training Henry. Some days he will take himself off to the toilet and I never hear a thing about it. Although over the last few weeks he does it all in his joxs so we go through about 4 clothes changes a day and I am so over it, he is back in nappies. He does a poo every morning and of late he does it and then takes his pull up off and poo goes everywhere. This has been making me hit the roof and I yell and even screem on occasions. I have since changed my ways and I ignore the negative behaviour and praise when he uses the potty and I find this works much better although we still have a few accidents. I googled toilet training recession for that clue.
I have been loosly following the weight watches diet and I lost 2kgs and put 1 back on so i have 5kgs to go. I had hoped to get them off before Crystal, Simon and Jake visit at the end of Feb. three weeks till they get here so I should hopefully loose three by then.
Cristen and I put on a sale 30% off all summer stock and we have had no orders what so ever so time to do some brain storming as we need to order winter stock and we don't have enough cash.
You can't keep Charlie still for a second he is just flat out all the time. He has four teeth up top now and three down bottom. He still spends most of his time standing at the furniture so I hope he doesnt start walking anytime soon, he just turned ten months. Charlie has been sleeping through most nights, 6.30pm - 7am.
I have come to my wits end with toilet training Henry. Some days he will take himself off to the toilet and I never hear a thing about it. Although over the last few weeks he does it all in his joxs so we go through about 4 clothes changes a day and I am so over it, he is back in nappies. He does a poo every morning and of late he does it and then takes his pull up off and poo goes everywhere. This has been making me hit the roof and I yell and even screem on occasions. I have since changed my ways and I ignore the negative behaviour and praise when he uses the potty and I find this works much better although we still have a few accidents. I googled toilet training recession for that clue.
I have been loosly following the weight watches diet and I lost 2kgs and put 1 back on so i have 5kgs to go. I had hoped to get them off before Crystal, Simon and Jake visit at the end of Feb. three weeks till they get here so I should hopefully loose three by then.
Cristen and I put on a sale 30% off all summer stock and we have had no orders what so ever so time to do some brain storming as we need to order winter stock and we don't have enough cash.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Its all over for the festive season!!
Christmas and New Year have has come and gone with a flash. Peter, Mum and Prema spent xmas with us and we had a day at the beach with Carol and Trevor also.
Me and the kids headed to Bremer Bay on New Years eve to stay at the rented house with Bec, Steve and the kids. Lynne, Noel, Travis and his friend Eliza and Becs cousin Dawn and her kids also turned up. Damon did arrive around 9pm. Around two Damon ventured into bed from the pub when Henry woke and cried for around an hour and Charlie also was not very happy. We had a great day at the bech for new years day, with everyone having a go on the jetski and heaps of swimming. Henry was not happy and just wanted to lay in the tent on dad and it turned out he had a fever but a shot of panadol soon cheered him up enough to have some food and a sleep. That night Henry had a temperature of 40.1 so we gave him panadol and Nurophen and very slowly his temp came down. Unfortunatly after two nights Damon had to head back to the farm to carry on with harvest, although me and the kids stayed on another three days.
So as of today we only have a couple days of harvest left. Although we have grain bagged up everywhere so not sure how long it will be before all that is sorted.
Charlie has started crawling properly and has two new teeth, top right middle and bottom left and about three ready to break through at anytime. He loves to dance and he laughes all the time.
Henry is still potty training and accidents are frequent although he is getting better and some days are better than others. A few weeks ago Henry walked into the kitchen with his joxs and track pants around his ankles and a measuring tea cup in his hand. He then said he had done a wee in front of the tv and his wee was in the cup. Also a few weeks ago I couldn't find Henry but I could hear his voice, I ran around the house looking for him and I finally found him "Im using the big potty" he had his pant at his ankles, toilet seat up and his balls resting on the ball
"Im trying to do a wee".
"Im trying to do a wee".
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