Friday, September 11, 2009

Week 26

MIL has been down most days this week painting the lounge room for us and today she put the blinds back up and it look great. I'm not sure if the blinds match but they will do until we decide what we are going to do.

Today I asked Henry if he wanted to feel the twins move in my tummy and he came running and said "I'd love too". He has decided he is getting two sisters and their names are Moggie and Twin.

Tonight at dinner Henry passed Charlie a yoghurt and Charlie said "Ta". I know its not much but I think he can talk he just chooses to be a big noise around the place instead of talking.

The workman arrives tomorrow so it will be interesting to see how I go with the extra chores I'll have, I'm having a hard times keeping up with what I already have.

I spoke to Prema and she has gotten a job so she won't be comming to help out before the twins arrive. MIL has said she will help out around the home with floors and washing and stuff. The biggest problem will be when we go to Perth and it will be just me and the kids, I'm not sure how I will manage that. Damon needs to stay at the farm and mum will be here for six weeks after I get home and she will be bringing her horses so she doesn't want to come to Perth. I would get a live in Mother Help although the until is not big enouogh to give them a room. This also leaves us with no one to have the boys when the twins are born but we could probably organise this although if the twins come early then back to square one. I am a bit lost about this and not sure what to do???????

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Charlie sleeps in a bed

Well I am finally over this terrible cold that has been lingering for so long. I still have to cough a bit in the morning to clear my lungs but thats not so bad, at least I can breath again, all the green snot has gone.

Charlie has spent 4 of the past 5 nights in his big bed, and 3 day time naps in there also. The second night he came out 6 times so I put him in his cot and that day I put him in the cot for his day sleep, one day he was at grandmas so she put him in the cot. Everyother night he has not come out at all but Henry has gone to bed at the same time as him. Day time naps, I wait until about 12 when he is well tired and put him down then and he has not come out at all. I can't really remember what age Henry was but Charlie is 17 months.

At my doc appointment last week my BP was 110/60. The last few days my feet have been swelling up a bit. Im finding it more difficult to get comfortable at night so I toss and turn alot and therefor am not getting enough sleep and are more tired during the day. I really notice that if I have a big day then Im not much good the next day.