Friday, January 30, 2009

2000T of garin to dry!!

Well harvest finally finished although they are know madly cleaning and drying 2000T of grain. So Damon is working at the block and still not comming home till very late. I will be glad when its all over for the year, Im sure by the time they finally finish it will be time to get ready for seeding. I guess it never ends.

You can't keep Charlie still for a second he is just flat out all the time. He has four teeth up top now and three down bottom. He still spends most of his time standing at the furniture so I hope he doesnt start walking anytime soon, he just turned ten months. Charlie has been sleeping through most nights, 6.30pm - 7am.

I have come to my wits end with toilet training Henry. Some days he will take himself off to the toilet and I never hear a thing about it. Although over the last few weeks he does it all in his joxs so we go through about 4 clothes changes a day and I am so over it, he is back in nappies. He does a poo every morning and of late he does it and then takes his pull up off and poo goes everywhere. This has been making me hit the roof and I yell and even screem on occasions. I have since changed my ways and I ignore the negative behaviour and praise when he uses the potty and I find this works much better although we still have a few accidents. I googled toilet training recession for that clue.

I have been loosly following the weight watches diet and I lost 2kgs and put 1 back on so i have 5kgs to go. I had hoped to get them off before Crystal, Simon and Jake visit at the end of Feb. three weeks till they get here so I should hopefully loose three by then.

Cristen and I put on a sale 30% off all summer stock and we have had no orders what so ever so time to do some brain storming as we need to order winter stock and we don't have enough cash.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Its all over for the festive season!!

Christmas and New Year have has come and gone with a flash. Peter, Mum and Prema spent xmas with us and we had a day at the beach with Carol and Trevor also.

Me and the kids headed to Bremer Bay on New Years eve to stay at the rented house with Bec, Steve and the kids. Lynne, Noel, Travis and his friend Eliza and Becs cousin Dawn and her kids also turned up. Damon did arrive around 9pm. Around two Damon ventured into bed from the pub when Henry woke and cried for around an hour and Charlie also was not very happy. We had a great day at the bech for new years day, with everyone having a go on the jetski and heaps of swimming. Henry was not happy and just wanted to lay in the tent on dad and it turned out he had a fever but a shot of panadol soon cheered him up enough to have some food and a sleep. That night Henry had a temperature of 40.1 so we gave him panadol and Nurophen and very slowly his temp came down. Unfortunatly after two nights Damon had to head back to the farm to carry on with harvest, although me and the kids stayed on another three days.

So as of today we only have a couple days of harvest left. Although we have grain bagged up everywhere so not sure how long it will be before all that is sorted.

Charlie has started crawling properly and has two new teeth, top right middle and bottom left and about three ready to break through at anytime. He loves to dance and he laughes all the time.

Henry is still potty training and accidents are frequent although he is getting better and some days are better than others. A few weeks ago Henry walked into the kitchen with his joxs and track pants around his ankles and a measuring tea cup in his hand. He then said he had done a wee in front of the tv and his wee was in the cup. Also a few weeks ago I couldn't find Henry but I could hear his voice, I ran around the house looking for him and I finally found him "Im using the big potty" he had his pant at his ankles, toilet seat up and his balls resting on the ball
"Im trying to do a wee".