Saturday, November 29, 2008

The season is almost upon us...

Charlie is eight months old and still will not sit up. He commando crawls all over the place but has no interest what so ever in sitting. I am finding this most inconvenient at bath times as I have to hold him in the bath or put him in the holder which requires more water. Well Im sure soon enough he will be sitting. He is a cheeky little bugger and gives the cutest, biggest grins and is sleeping pretty well now.

Henry is the ruler of the house and I have come to realise that what Henry wants, Henry gets. He is a very determined little boy, I am always finding a sept at the fridge or pantry. He has worked out that if he unlatches the latch at the pantry and then moves the step away the door will open. He doesnt bother to ask for anything, he is independant. He is getting pretty good using the potty, he takes himself off to the potty most of the time and half the time I don't even know he has gone. Although we are still having an accident or two everyday, but Im sure he will have it down pat by christmas (well I'm hoping).

Well christmas is just around the corner and I'm not all that organised just yet, it's more to do with who are and are not buying present for. Henry is getting a bike so that will be exciting, Damon and I both have bikes that have practicely never been used and I would like to get a seat for Charlie to go on one of our bikes. It will be nice to take them all up to Kalbarri next year. For our christmas cards this year I tried to take some xmas photos of the kids but they really were not very interested. So I ended up using one from the family photo shoot earlier in the year so everyone will be getting a family photo rather than one of the boys and I got photo cards made from Snapfish.

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